Everyone is familiar to some extent with the Great Depression but if you know anyone who lived through the Great Depression and you listened to their stories they can be scary and chalk full of wisdom all at the same time. Black Friday is a lesson on preparedness that so many today either choose to ignore or through ignorance are unaware of. Life can change in an instance and without some wisdom and preparation on your part you could potentially find yourself in a bread line with a growling stomach.
Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not a doomsday, the-sky-is-falling, the-end-is-near kind of guy. I never intend to use fear to promote an article I write and I eschew sensationalistic journalism. That said, facts are facts and life is unpredictable. Things change in a heartbeat and through good self-sustainability you can be in a better position to adapt and overcome. One of the best things you can do to be prepared to feed your family is to create a Great Depression Pantry as Melissa K Norris’ father talks about in this podcast. The podcast transcript is also available on the page and worth your time to read if you can’t listen to the podcast. My grandmother (may she rest in peace) would often tell stories of picking cotton for pennies a day. I hope to always be in a position to be able to feed my family with what our property, animals, and garden can provide. We are not there yet but every day, every project, and every plant brings us a little closer to fully providing for ourselves. Heed the lessons here and get started on your self-sustainable journey today. It doesn’t have to, and won’t, happen overnight but as the saying goes, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Have a great day and God bless!