If your chickens have mites, use permethrin! No, if your chickens have mites use DE! Have you heard this argument before? If you follow any chicken keeping page on social media then you have been exposed to this argument. The proponents of either method can … [Read more...]
Natural Fire Ant Control
Ah fire ants. Responsible for so much destruction and pain. These little invasive insects are aggressive, quick to establish a mound, and can cause anaphylactic reactions in many people. Many parents are deathly afraid to allow their children to play outside in the yard if … [Read more...]
Kaolin Clay Pest Control
We have grasshoppers! And I mean by the hundreds, if not thousands, in the garden area alone. When you walk through the garden areas they part like the Red Sea for Moses. It's crazy! We struggled with them last year and fought to find a natural remedy to help protect our … [Read more...]
7 Natural Pest Control Options
Gardening season is in full swing in most places in the country now with beautiful plants emerging, but with spring comes the hoards of insects that will be descending on your garden. Many people these days are trying to move away from chemicals in their gardens and as a result … [Read more...]