As homesteaders we often don’t have the extra money to run out and buy things for convenience sake, not to mention it goes against the grain of what most of us believe, which is to utilize everything we can to reduce our waste. I get frustrated some times with the “throw away” mentality of our modern society. This is not the way our forefathers lived. Our grandparents and great-grandparents knew how to be frugal, conservative, and to use what they had. They believed in the old saying, “Use it up. Wear it out. Make it do, or do without.” Jes, of Strangers and Pilgrims, has got this down. She, and her family, are putting this mindset to good use around their homestead and they have some great tips and pointers on exactly how they are doing it. Check out her post and see if you are inspired to find ways to utilize what you have available on your land.
I am proud to join some of my blogging friends The Homesteading Hippy, Spring Mountain Living, Lil’ Suburban Homestead , The Homestead Lady, Urban Overalls , Once Upon A Time in A Bed of Wildflowers, Oh Sweet Mercy , Lady Lee’s Home, and Honey’s Life, Lady and The Carpenter in hosting the blog hop. This is a great opportunity to link up a post if you are a blogger or to find some great articles across a wide range of subjects from many different bloggers. This is going to be a ton of fun and I hope that if you have a blog you will link up with us, and if you are one of my wonderful readers you will take a moment to find some great information that I may not cover because it is outside my wheelhouse. We recently chose, as a group, to change the format somewhat. You will notice that we no longer individually pick favorite posts to promote. Instead, we decided to let YOU choose which of the posts from the previous week are the top 5 posts, by clicks. So….
It’s time for another round of From The Farm where we love to see your ideas on gardening, homesteading, DIY tips and tricks, and more. Last Week’s Top 5 Favorites, as chosen by YOU:
(To join this week’s link up, keep scrolling to the very end of the post)
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