Our first round of chicks that hatched on March 30th are now 2 weeks old and growing like weeds! They have feathers coming in, scratch around looking for treats in the litter, dust bath in their little sandbox, and perch on their newly made roosting bar. ( If you are … [Read more...]
More Eggs!
As mentioned in a previous post we ordered Lavender Orpington hatching eggs from Chicken Scratch Poultry which shipped on March 31st and arrived on April 2. After allowing them to sit for about 16 hours (it is good to allow the eggs 12-24 hours to sit after arriving to allow the … [Read more...]
Update: The Chicks Have Hatched!
Our new baby chicks have hatched! We are so excited we can hardly contain ourselves. We had 4 of our 7 eggs hatch. We knew one was a double yolk from candling so we didn't expect that one to develop (that's extremely rare). Want to know more about … [Read more...]
Hatching Chickens: Our First Time
We bought a mature flock of laying chickens back in early February. All 7 of the hens are between the ages of 2-4 years old. We weren't sure what kind of egg production to expect (they have all been laying wonderfully everyday since they got over the … [Read more...]